
How to Make Fairy Cement Mushrooms

Make a cement mushroom so the garden gnomes in your yard will have a place to sit.

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Make fairies and garden gnomes feel at home in your yard by adding a few strategically placed mushroom or toadstool lawn ornaments. Cast them yourself in cement with natural stone details. They can be any size you like -- from tiny mushrooms to place inside potted plants to larger ones small children could sit on. You don't need any special skills -- just a few supplies from the hardware store and your kitchen.

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Select a bowl that is the size and shape you want for the cap of your fairy mushroom. It will not be harmed in the process.


Find a smaller bowl that is the size and shape you want for the base of the mushroom. Compare it to the other bowl to make sure the proportions look right together.


Line each bowl with a plastic grocery bag. Smooth out the wrinkles as much as possible.


Place three or four smooth river rocks on the bottom of the larger bowl. These will be spots for the mushroom.


Mix the cement in a bucket with water according to the manufacturer's instructions. The exact amount of cement you need depends on the size of the bowls. Read the information on the side of the bag to estimate the amount of cement you need. If you have any extra, you can use it to make a mini-mushroom with smaller bowls.


Add the cement mixture to each bowl until it almost reaches the rim. Gently shake the bowl to even out the level of the cement.


Let the cement dry overnight or as long as recommended by the manufacturer's instructions.


Pull the plastic bag out of each bowl to remove the hardened cement. Glue the cap of the mushroom to the base with 2-part epoxy. Allow the epoxy time to cure.


Place the cement mushroom in your yard.

Tips & Warnings

Wear a dust mask when mixing cement.

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