
Anti-Slip Treatment for Floors

Polished floors can be very slippery.

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Floors can be slippery, especially when wet or even slightly damp. Floor polish, wax, snow or even light rain can change the surface texture and create a dangerous surface for walking on. In many areas, health and safety laws now require that floors in workplaces and public spaces not present a slip hazard. When the only way to achieve this seems to be to replace the floor entirely, it is useful to know that an can remove slip hazards with only a minor aesthetic change.

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Anti-slip treatments increase the coefficient of friction of the floor they are used on. The coefficient of friction is a measurement of how great a force is exerted by a surface, causing things to stick to it. By increasing the coefficient of friction, it becomes far more difficult for a person to slip.


Anti-slip treatments are coated onto a floor and allowed to seep into the pores in the material's surface. They react with the silica inside the surface, changing the way the pores react to air molecules. When a person stands on a floor treated with anti-slip treatments, tiny vacuums are created in the pores, which cause friction.


Anti-slip treatments can be walked on immediately after application, which differs from the 24-hour setting time required by the anti-slip coating system. In addition, anti-slip treatments are designed to last for five years, with adequate cleaning. Many anti-slip treatments last beyond this time, however.


Anti-slip treatment is not an invisible solution. It can darken tiles, remove glazes and thus slightly change the overall appearance of the surface the treatment is used on. This should be taken into account in situations where only part of a surface, such as a walkway, is to be treated.

ReferencesMS Contracting: Anti-Slip Floor TreatmentsFloor Safe: FAQPhoto Credit Jupiterimages/Creatas/Getty ImagesRead Next:

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1 comment:

  1. Anti-slip treatments are coated onto a floor and allowed to seep into the pores in the material's surface. They react with the silica inside the surface, changing the way the pores react to air molecules.

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