With letter characters larger than usual and command keys in a larger bolder font, these high-contrast keys can really help those who have trouble seeing keyboards. Perfect for schools, special needs departments and libraries, as well as companies. This Large Print, Big Keys Keyboard has been designed specifically for those with conditions that cause visual impairment or low vision, such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and cataracts. These large print, big key keyboards are perfect for anyone who has a hard time seeing the existing commands on their keyboards. With a bigger and bolder black typeface on vividly bright yellow keys, the keys are easier to see. Additional keys (hot keys) have been added to the keyboard to allow for easier access to commonly used commands, such as searching and accessing e-mail and the Internet and energy saving commands: wake and sleep, when you need to leave your computer on, but won't be using it. These big, bold keys will have you using the computer, with more accurate keystrokes for a more enjoyable time.
Price: $49.99
Click here to buy from Amazon
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