
A Gentle Way to Exfoliate Dead Skin on the Legs

Silky smooth legs give you confidence.

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Exfoliating your legs is a natural, healthy way to promote skin regeneration and give you smooth, clear skin. Some methods of exfoliating can be harsh on your skin, causing rough, dry patches that can be painful and irritating. While adding certain chemicals such as alpha hydroxy acids can speed up the exfoliation process, you can achieve very similar results with a chemical-free process that you can do in the comfort of your home.

Related Searches:Difficulty:EasyInstructions Things You'll NeedExfoliating cleanserLoofah, scrub gloves or body brushBody lotionSuggest Edits1

Brush your legs gently with a loofah, scrub gloves or body brush before you get in the shower. This will help loosen dry skin and make the most of your exfoliating procedure. Begin at your ankles and slowly move up your legs.


Apply the exfoliating cleanser to your loofah, scrub gloves or body brush once your legs are wet. Scrub your legs beginning at your ankles and work your way up each leg. Scrub in a circular motion, being careful not to scrub too much in one place.


Rinse your legs with lukewarm water to soothe. Water that is too hot can scald your newly exposed skin, leaving it irritated.


Pat your legs dry with a clean towel once you are out of the shower.


Apply a gentle body lotion liberally to your legs once they are dry. Moisturize your legs daily to keep them smooth and healthy.

Tips & Warnings

You can exfoliate your legs two times per week to maintain optimum results.

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ReferencesShe Knows; How to Exfoliate Your Skin; Kori Ellis; 2008Birovenus Medical Spa; The Facts About Exfoliating the Skin; 2011Photo Credit Hemera Technologies/ ImagesRead Next:

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